Saturday, November 29, 2008

What hurts most..

My last Penang fieldtrip for this year was the most enlightening one.

It was sort of painful too.

We had visited a hydrocephalic baby. It's the last birth defect case that I had visited for my current job.
I did not capture her photo but I found a substitute from here.


The history of this baby is still unknown. It could possibly due to the solvent exposure near her living place released by printing industries. According to my supervisor, her survival rate is low. Her spine was malformed.
She had several diagnoses, including kidney problems.
At such a tender age of six months plus, and she is suffering from all these.

It really hurts to see such a beautiful and cute baby to be suffering from this.
She is a really cheerful girl.
Though she's suffering in silence.
When we played with her, she would smile gleefully. Her eyes would try to turn left and right to capture our voices.
Innocently, she'd be smiling.
A really smart baby- I would say.

But we could not show our empathy much, not right in front of her mother.
And I really felt helpless.
What hurts most- is when you can't do anything, and anything at all.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Passed-by opportunity

I am so inclined to go!
But I'm not going, I think.


What a great opportunity to be wasted.

I am not talking about myself- because I've decided. Yes I must decide it to be like this.
I am referring to someone else.
----- Why can't you just analyse closely?-----
----- Why don't you just try it?--------
----- It will bring no harm at all!-----

The policy is changing already. If you don't try it, you'd never know! Is it because of your back-in-school mentality?

It's so wasted that you are not going to accept it.
Really, this is such a great opportunity!!

And it's really time to crawl out of your shell.
Stubbornness is one of the greatest enemies in us.
IF everyone is S-M-A-R-T, there will be PERFECT PEOPLE in this world.

Come on, let's face the reality.
Another two years will bring you to nowhere, but this definitely will!
But I cannot give you 100% assurance because I won't be here to experience it.
But I know, if I were you, I will. I will definitely go for it!!


Some people just do not know how to appreciate valuable chances that come by.
And some never will..

Perhaps, you're afraid.
Or you are just too proud to admit it,
Or, you are just so 'kiasu',
Or, you're just too ignorant on this,
Or, you're just too rigid.

Or whatever:(

You should know that extreme rigidness is also another weaknesses in ourselves.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Should I?

Should I let it go?
And wait?

Or should I grab the chance?
And be bold?

Should I adapt to the changes that I anticipate?
Or should I change?

If I don't, will I regret?

But, is it worth it?

Which route should I choose?
Why is it so hard for me to do it?

I really don't know what am I thinking at times..

But I'm afraid that i will regret it, a-g-a-i-n.

So long~~

Monday, November 17, 2008


I went to UPM today to get some documents done.

Somehow, I felt really nostalgic.

Which is really weird, because I was there barely a month ago.

And it drizzled for a short moment..

I remember looking up the lamp posts when it was drizzling at night, years ago at the same spot.
The raindrops sparkled like snow flakes.
And accompanied by the serene rhythm of the night..

And when it drizzled momentarily at the stadium during the fireworks..
During the beautiful, unforgettable closing ceremony..
When we were standing in the middle of the field with the fireworks right on top of us..

Missed those moments.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Port Dickson trip

Basically, it was a short trip. And a hot one too.
Not much changes observed my last trip a few months back.
However, the seafood at Port Dickson Seafood Restaurant was really bad. We vowed never to go there again. I wonder how they could have such a lousy chef. We should have gone to eat somewhere else. Will never set foot in this restaurant, ever again.

Will have to compare my looks after moving on to new life next year. Hopefully better :P

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Climate change

Have you realised that the current weather is unpredictable?

The severity of extremes- with floods, earthquakes, storms, heavy precipitations and sudden downpour? Or the extremes in hot weather? When you had sweaty days if you're not in an air-conditioned room?

It's no longer as humid as we've thought of.

Human factor is the main reason. Humans are selfish. Because of greed, the environment becomes the victim. And this ensued in further sufferings by the later generations.

Air pollution caused by developments have caused global warming, and resulting in climate change. The greenhouse gases such as CO2, NO2, SO2, CO and etc trap dust and heat. This resulted in the slow disbursement of heat back from earth to the atmosphere.

Ozone thinning had inevitably 'helped' in the increase of earth's temperature as more heat is shone directly onto earth. As you know, Malaysia is a tropical country that receives large amount of sunlight. This thus, causing us to receive more heat. And yes, darker skin. Sigh..

In fact, most of the factors that contributes to climate change is due to humans' actions. Natural factors like volcanoes, strong winds and strong downpour are due to natural causes, but human factors do play a role in changing the weather conditions.

What can be done?
The two major steps are mitigation and adaptation.

Mitigation plans are held to save us when some uneventful events takes place- such as epidemics and so on.

As for adaptation, I really wonder on this- how far could we adapt?
With the hot weather, falling sick is like a norm for the society. And it's like getting harder to fight the diseases. A common example would be the influenza. The avian influenza is striking more easily. Sigh.. (again)

The impacts from climate change cover:
1. Increase in diseases- such as dengue. The changes in weather/ precipitation could have resulted in a change of temperature. Unfortunately, it's global warming that I'm talking about. An increase in temperature could have encouraged the growth of pathogen (as it is closer to their optimum temperature).

2. Shortage of water- especially drinking water. Why? As the icebergs melt due to global warming, sea water will rise. This resulted in flooding freshwater reserves and thus, less reserves for us. Please do not forget that there's an increase of human population exponentially.

3. Food security- when diseases strike, when accidents happen, when food shortage takes place, when population is growing so fast.....people could have gone to war just for food and water.

4. Changes in terms of health aspects. The mortality would have increased. The more vulnerable group such as children, sick and elderly people could be affected more easily than ever.

5. Economic impacts- when things are in a haywire, only the more affluent group would survive as they can cope with higher prices of commodities sold. How about the poorer group?

6. Social impacts- Higher costs of livings would eventually lead to a decrease in moral. Perhaps, if there's no restrictions in laws and security, more robberies will take place.

In fact, there are many more other impacts that could have arisen.

Ways to help our beloved Mother Nature? Each of us should practice these, at least these..

1. Use less air-conditioners- if without air-conds you'd feel like dying, please turn on the air-conds to a slightly higher temperature so that it's less cold. 22-26 degree Celsius should be comfortable enough.

2. Produce less affluent- especially plastic-made products. It is less biodegradable (for some that are biodegradable).

3. Save water consumption- for example, please don't wash your cars so often. It's really a huge waste of fresh water!

4. Use less energy- save electricity, petrol and so on.

5. Take less flights- because planes consume lots of fuel and the fuel by-products such as carbon dioxide are released exceptionally high to the atmosphere.

6. Reduce unplanned urbanisations.

7. Produce less pollutants to the environment.

An old adage says that- if a frog is placed into a pot of boiling water, the frog would jump out immediately. However, if the frog is placed in a pot of room temperature water and heated slowly, the frog would die eventually.

We are the frog in a heating pot of water, if we don't act fast to save our beloved earth.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Penang 6th trip

Was in the mood of capturing photos.


i can notice but to
notice you
noticin' me
from across the room
i can see it and cant stop myself from looking
and noticin' you noticin' me

hooked to this recently:P

Monday, November 10, 2008

Penang 5th trip

My 28th-31st October trip..

Second and third picture were taken at Hospital Balik Pulau, Pulau Pinang.
The cactus is nice isn't it? It looked like some plant in a dessert.
But, it was really hot!

They were having a Hari Raya open house and we were invited!
I'm really impressed by their friendliness.
Took rendang ayam (really nice!!) with nasi pulut from lemang. Was eating it with my boss so I did not capture the food that I took:P

Friday, November 7, 2008


I can't believe that this is already another week!
Frankly, I've been anticipating it because I have no laptop with me for my field trip this week.

So bored!! Couldn't access anything after work. All I could do was to watch TV and some movies and read up some journals.

Yesterday I went out with a chemist and his wife. Well, my boss sends samples for testing to his laboratory and both of them treated me for my dinner at New Park World. Thank you Mr and Mrs Teoh!

Nice char koay teow and ice kacang..hehe..with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

But err, I did not capture any pictures. Tell me, how do you want to capture pictures in front of a big boss and his wife?;)

I was pretty pleased to be able to meet them up. It was purely on coincidence. I was supposed to send them samples for water and soil testings so they came to the hotel to pick it up. And, out of their kindness and friendliness, I was treated! Hehe..
But the main story was not on the treats-lah. Coz small matters only. The big news is that they gave me some good tips for my next Singapore stay. Where to stay, where to eat, where can my parents stay and so on.. :D

Their daughters have excellent academics and sports records. I was truly amazed listening to their eldest daughter's story, who went to Singapore (NUS also) for Asean scholarship, offered scholarships and even Harvard university offered her without any application! Then, she got various gold medals in sports and research. Another one is a lawyer. WOW..they had truly inspired me:P

Feel proud for them (though I do not have any linkages to them at all! LOL)

And I was really inspired:)

Thank you!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

No matter what...

No matter what they teach us,
No matter what they do....

oops, getting out of the topic with this favourite song in my mind:P

No matter what my life going to be in future- I still wonder what would I be in 10 years' time.

One of my friend told me that she wanted to be a rich man's wife,
Another friend told me the same..
And so is another one.
Someone else told me she wanted to be the one ordering other people and become a top managerial person.
While another one told me that she wanted to be famous.
Someone else told me that he couldn't imagined how life going to be with his hatred towards his current studies (and I could not imagine either how many people would be suffering under his treatments- scary!)
Another one told me that he will just go on with life.
Some others told me they have not thought of it yet.
And few friends of mine want to get hold to someone right now.
Well, as for me?

No matter what that happens, I hope I will lead a more satisfying life than today.
See the improvements and less busier lives of my parents', get a secure job, a very very nice hubby, happy lives (okay, acceptable with occasional different moments especially with active kids around..LOL), nice food to eat, nice place to stay, financial security, great vacations around the globe, made many differences/ improvements in health and mankind, hmmm....

what else?

Still thinking.

Though I feel very thankful right now.. *lalalalala- with that song in my mind*