Monday, May 24, 2010

Don't give up ah!

Long time no blog so thought of putting this up lah. My current landlady is a 72-year old auntie who lived with her late mother before her mother passed away at the age of 94 years old  (woww!) 4 years ago
(==" what an introduction!)

She seemed nice to me though she told me that her temper was very bad when she was younger.
On the first Saturday after I've moved in, I saw her sweating profusely while searching for some important mass dates that she should attend in the nearby church.
It was like..
Her back shoulder was all wet and sweats were dripping on the sides of her face.
Few used tissues were on her table.
And she kept on sweating....
Blood also started to drain in my face, I thought "sei for, got problem ahh????"
I was shocked seeing her sweating like that!
I asked her why and she told me that it's normal for her to sweat whenever she was looking for things.
Poor her!

Anyway, on the following day, I brought back an organiser that my colleague had bought for me early this year which I seldom use, unless for drawing few angpows, mandarin oranges and a pig on the month of February (because I'm NOT that organised type of people anyway)..

And I gave it to her
It's the type with large squares with a huge page to represent a month.
That kind of organiser lah..(try to imagine by yourself okay?)

Then, last Saturday (my second Saturday here), her sister gave her an old model of Samsung flip phone.
I was telling her that I will teach her whenever she's ready *ahem* (Being a good!)

Yesterday morning, when I was rushing to the lab, she asked me to teach her in a split second
But that time she was going to church also, and me to lab for a time-point work

So, in the end, the teaching plan failed.

Today, I came home early and asked her immediately whether she was okay with the phone, since she's going for a medical check up in 2-days' time.
Eagerly, she took out her handphone and is finally ready to learn! :D

So, while explaining, I drew some cartoon figures and wrote down some simple instructions on few A4-sized papers for her so that she can refer whenever needed.

However, when I was telling her on what to do, she was again, sweating...
I feel like I'm scaring her ==" aiseh...
Then I told her to relax, take a deep breath and calm down.
She stresses herself too much at times :(

Anyway, she was really happy at the end of the lesson
She said she can sleep peacefully tonight

I managed to get her to call me for a few times and her house phone also
Hope she'll remember to call me tomorrow for a test call
Will have to ask her everyday on how to call
Then settled;)

Nothing to blog much so telling this storylah..
My blog like not much updates due to my always busy life :(

Anyway, I'm really glad too that she's able to learn it
I mean, 72 years old and still eager to learn
Poeple of our age..?? Hmmmm :S
Some already want to give up without trying..

So lessons learned ah!

# Don't give up!
So long~


Anonymous said...

haha! i absolutely love this entry! lol and yes i learned something today :) "don't give up" haha...

have a great weekend! :)

SN said...

Thankssss! :D You too, have a great weekend!