Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Jigsaw puzzles of life

Life is like a board of jigsaw puzzles, with the hidden pieces everywhere..

Seriously, I feel that my current life is like a board of jigsaw puzzles..and the pictures are slowly drawn but the complete picture can never be seen

Finally, I've got what I wanted- after waiting and waiting for almost 1/2 year plus! Yay!! So glad to make it!! After planning for almost 2 years!!

Things just happens for a reason.. so, please believe it whole-'heartedly'..
It's weird but sometimes I feel that everything has its own momentum. It just cannot be rushed. For example, preparation for my exam. I was taking the last very minute and it's really the last minute to do it. Is it because of my lack of motivation or is it because I know it's just not time yet? Somehow, after this incident, I just believe that when it's time, it's just the time and will just happen?

Complicated yeah? And sounds insane and impossible and miraculous?
Probably I can't convey clearly the message here, but it's just something that has been on my mind for some time..

Now, next step, thinking of the future jigsaw patterns..

All the deadlines are rapidly rushing up.. Feel like a roller coaster at times
but kinda thankful and happy with most of it^^

I'm still looking for those missing pieces and slowly attaching it to the board!!

Life is an opportunity, grab it when you need to!!
So long~

Pic taken from here:)

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