Thursday, October 31, 2013

locking toilets?

I'm utterly disgusted by the 'no-whereness' this is going..

Locking toilets so that it will not be accessible to non-dept ppl..
This is seriously ridiculous and hillarious..
We even had boiling point of blood when it was first stated..

The issue came from:

1. Switching off the water system so that it cannot be used after working hours. We usually work late and we did not realise this ruling when it was first imposed. I remember going to that toilet very early the next day to clear the 'leftovers' :S
And then I stopped using the toilet after work and went to next dept to use theirs.
I think next dept should lock their toilet considering that numerous dept ppl that visit their toilet every day as compared to our problem.

2. The lady cleaner hired never really cleaned the toilet properly. I noticed that next dept's cleaner clean twice a day at least, and their (last year? or the year before?) renovated toilet was much, much better than ours which was just established this year. Even with alcohol to clean the seats. Bigger. Cleaner. Urgh...

And these problems led to:

Less hygienic toilets..

Unfortunately, the issues weren't to settle it but to make it bigger. Instead of either making sure that the cleaners clean properly, they came up with a ridiculous idea of locking the toilets. So we have to use the key whenever we need it.


Someone did mention that locking it will be safer due to uneventful events that had happened in the past. However, the if something bad is going to happen, the person trapped inside can't even run in time too! This locking may only help office-working hours people, but never, ever to those working OT.

So in summary, it's a rule created to protect themselves and not the rest. In fact, it's unfair because the toilet belongs to the public and not to these few people who came up with this idea.
And, it's really going no where when ridiculous ideas keep coming up.
I'm seriously zzzzzz with these..

Another issue was on the window ventilation. Are they actually trying to find faults when there's supposed to be none?
The issue even had to be reported to the higher authorities without a word mentioned to us. We were not wrong in this, there were some odour that led to us with this move. Nevertheless, we were told that we cannot do this by the higher authority people and not told by someone who reported it silently.
Are we in the midst of being backstabbed by people?

Moreover, issues of water bottles in the lab and wearing slippers. If you disagree with these, you can always advise us directly instead of going through another person. We are all humans with brains.

I guess, if you're not happy with any of our group, you shouldn't be hiding and complaining. Face us and tell us straight, please. Be a gentle and fair 'person'.

I haven't even mentioned the small tables that we have now and sleeping in labs because the current place is

The system is very bad, really :(
Are there ways to improve it?
I'm so, so disappointed.
They say, "If you can't beat them, join them!"
Well, never am I gonna agree with the huge flaw somehow. Just plain irritated at the moment.

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