Tuesday, October 12, 2010

a week, or DAY in remembrance

Alright, this is definitely a week to remember, particularly yesterday

Yesterday was the day:
1. I showed my true colours, and could not cover it some more..haihhh..

2. One of my labmates was also having a tremendous suey peak and we were shocked by those changes..we were in fact sharing empathy with this super nice and hardworking labmate who's also having depression for the past few weeks. yep FEW WEEKS. I emo emo also few days but not weeks..
All of us blamed it on the 'ta yi ma' problem..anyway it lasted too long already

But I was the one who broke the st*pid record laa..

and the end, this labmate was one of those that helped me also.. lol..already got own problems somemore troubled by mine.. really appreciate this bunch of people laah :*
and not forgetting my dearest parents too, especially my mom..:* :*

3. My best fren's car kena accident.. = ="

I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing  ~~~~~~~~~~~
SO long la...

1 comment:

Theresa said...

Breath harder n deeper!!!!! Jia You!!! :D