Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Sometimes, a small thing can further trigger to a series of eventful events
or, perhaps, to a series of uneventful events
It's always the way we look at things- either half milk full or half milk empty

Recently, or should I say, the final bubble burst already
My opinion: Never take a person's patience for granted or it will lead to further damages
This was what happened recently
Okayla, the stress for the past 1.5 years on this small thing seemed nothing at all..but when it takes place during the time when a small boat is almost stranded in the ocean, it became a bursting bubble..
Actually, most of the solutions are available
And the problem seemed so small too..
But it's whether I'm willing to take the trouble to settle it, or just let it be like that..

Okayla, to cut it short, it's about naggings on a small item- washing machine that takes place weekly lah
Got so fed-up already but thinking that I have to be a little bit more patient
After all, time flies
Luckily I'm just using that only item and nothing else.
Otherwise, ==""

So, to think positively, don't take things too seriously!! Live and laugh by the days and there'll be no regrets :)
Always look half side full of the glass ya!! 

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