Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Movie lessons

While we were looking at the cinema screen for any other interesting movie, a young stranger came up to us..
And so, the conversation became like this:
A: Hi. I Hv 3 tickets here as my friends failed to turn up (showing us the tickets)
Me: oh. We've bought ours, thanks. What time is the show?
A:7pm (5mins away).
Me: maybe you can give to those by the Q? 
A: I don't dare leh.
Me: =.='' then you dare to pass to us??? (Sigh... Not a good sign huh? Do we looked tht timid? Urgh...)
A: well, they're by the counter.....
Me: oh..okay. thanks but, we have to go already. (Sigh I can't believe tht at all =.=)

I wouldn't care so much for this young boy's words if not because of recent events in which I've been told I'm small size la, girl will always be weaker la..etc...
Nonsense huh?:(

Feel like I/we will be targeted if go out to travel alone too...

And second lesson learned is:

Pls check synopsis before buying ticket as 'non-stop' is a not suitable movie for those that will flying off long distance soon....

I was just so tempted with the main actor (heh heh) that I forgot tht I was one of those complaining the cost-saving movie from this airplane-based settings.. XP 

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