Friday, November 21, 2008

Passed-by opportunity

I am so inclined to go!
But I'm not going, I think.


What a great opportunity to be wasted.

I am not talking about myself- because I've decided. Yes I must decide it to be like this.
I am referring to someone else.
----- Why can't you just analyse closely?-----
----- Why don't you just try it?--------
----- It will bring no harm at all!-----

The policy is changing already. If you don't try it, you'd never know! Is it because of your back-in-school mentality?

It's so wasted that you are not going to accept it.
Really, this is such a great opportunity!!

And it's really time to crawl out of your shell.
Stubbornness is one of the greatest enemies in us.
IF everyone is S-M-A-R-T, there will be PERFECT PEOPLE in this world.

Come on, let's face the reality.
Another two years will bring you to nowhere, but this definitely will!
But I cannot give you 100% assurance because I won't be here to experience it.
But I know, if I were you, I will. I will definitely go for it!!


Some people just do not know how to appreciate valuable chances that come by.
And some never will..

Perhaps, you're afraid.
Or you are just too proud to admit it,
Or, you are just so 'kiasu',
Or, you're just too ignorant on this,
Or, you're just too rigid.

Or whatever:(

You should know that extreme rigidness is also another weaknesses in ourselves.


玉=Jade said...

So deep...Been thinking and reflecting a lot hor?

SN said...

yeah. But the post was not for's for someone else.. someone too 'degil' to accept advices..*sigh*

玉=Jade said...

Haha, everyone have their own personality, some are more keras, and it's up to them whether they wanna change or not!