Monday, February 1, 2010

Gonna get sick!! TCM way of relieving sickness..刮 Gua1 aka scrape

Fyi, TCM = traditional Chinese Medicine..

I've never been sick for almost 1 n 1/2 year I think, since the complimentary flu jab that I got when working as a RA in my previous department before I came here.. Which made me strongly believe that flu jabs are really really effective!! :P

In fact, I've been hoping to never fall sick during my first year here, because of the busy schedules and I was afraid of scoring badly especially when near CAs (continual assessments- like exams) and finals. I am very grateful for not falling sick at all too :) At least the moments are can get sick laa.. (you must be thinking "whATttt?? ThiS cRazYY gal!!"

I was afraid of getting sick because I've had bad experiences in falling sick during examinations..really suffering and bad for the grades too ..Anyway, I started to feel sick after today's lab meeting; my throats were dry, and could feel like getting a runny nose. I wonder how much I understand myself too- because 2 weeks ago I already told one of my seniors that I'll probably get sick soon. Haih..If all my intuitions are that sharp.. Anyway, this is sad because now is so so near to Chinese New Year!! *sobs.

Hopefully will be okay soon or otherwise... will cry man with those food cravings and I can't eat! 

My pretty senior offered to massage my throat..she's a Traditional Chinese doctor who had just graduated here and currently working in my lab.. what happened was she massaged with her two fingers (sort of like pinching the area that I feel sick).

In fact, this type of massage (called Gua1 刮- don't know correct word or not, think yes, if not please tell me:P) works well for any part of the body, whichever place that you feel  sick and not comfortable. And once it's pinched/ massaged repeatedly, the problematic area will show inflammation, showing signs that the particular area is problematic. And after inflammation, it will get well again.

It looks like this now!! Means problematic! >.<

That's why when, for example, your shoulder is in pain, a skin scraper is used together with some massage oil to massage that part. Have to scrap quite hard one lehh..

We did a case-control study because another labmate was there (Hehe!, knowing that both of us doubt the effectiveness of this treatment :P) my senior did the same pinching for him. In fact I didn't really believe that only problematic areas will show inflammations like this, because the pinchings weren't that soft. It was pretty, hmmm, slightly painful.. Coincidentally, that labmate also mentioned about what was going through in my mind- doubting the effectiveness of this treatment.

Suprisingly, it's truee laaa! That healthy guy only got some pinkish skin but mine was like- with 'punctuates'! (One of the things that we observe in the lab and looks like small holes in cells, either stained or not stained) It looked like areas with small red dots all over the pinching site..He has none except for the pinkish skin!!

Hopefully will get well soon before CNY!!

So long~

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