Sunday, August 11, 2013

Back already lahhhh...

I'm back from the short holiday!!
Seems that holidays is never long, and days and nights flew off just like that..
The dreadfullness (despite soooo many donkey years and trips from home to here) never go away...
When will I be more mature ah?
Anyway, CBB..

Mersing has lotsa nice places leh!
And *proudly grinning yet guilty contradictory; I think I've gained weight =.="

My beloved doggies... ~

Volunteering at Chin Chee Kok temple..while my bro (and my parents) are still active in this.. me not anymore though :(

Updates of Mersing trip: A piece of rock with lotsa oysters shell! Edible oysters don't have though (left panel)... And seafood galore (right panel)! Middle picture was crayfish as huge as a palm! :P
Had it near Tanjung Gemuk Jetty restaurant..

 Hehehe...our durian buffet trip... not forgetting a bash of squirrel-eaten durian as well..tasted really nice! And it was eye-widening for me too, how could squirrel eat such a hard-shelled fruit.. The hole that they (or individual?) bored was pretty huge...

Kite flying (my bro flew it up while I successfully dragged it down *muahahaha evil look*)
This was at Kg. Air Papan beach

 This romantic-looking place was at the further away-located beach near Mersing Jetty, a place where one can lie on the grass and read! :P

Anyway, I realised that I'm still not completely ready to let go of the past, despite the flying time...
The 'serba-salah' feeling is still there..
Really wondering what else can be done..
But it's better lah..

Need to be less emo but it's still.. there..

I'm thinking of going volunteering in animal shelters.. (previously I had mine in MINDS, but it's a bit too far)
But volunteering need commitment of weeks.. if I'm away for a holiday, who can take my place ah?

Let me think about it first..

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