Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Genes are composed of lotsa rubbish

What a title..but that was what my labmate told me today after I learned another life lesson yesterday..

What did I learn?
 --> Don't talk too much..and life's is always full of rubbish
--> DNA is full of useless things..just like our life...
--> nevertheless, some genes may look useless but it also may have some functions
--> Overall, life is still full of rubbish.

To be frank, I don't talk a lot to people unless those close ones.. but yesterday evening, I was teaching my so-called collaborator on the current project..and sharing knowledge on what experiments can be done

The consequence?
I bet you would probably have guessed it: I was told to perform those experiments..

To be frank, I'm really pretty angry because I find that those experiments can't contribute much to the people's health; other than to get more popular...

So contradicting eh?
Plus, time wasted can never be bought back. Really a hard lesson for me.
I was initially motivated to do their work. right now, I am really at the CBB mode.

On the other side, the st*lk*r is practically irritating me on a day-to-day basis..
From trying to talk a bit to a bit everyday to seeing the id*ot*c face during lunch


I think life's not that positive at the moment leh despite my trials of getting more positive like before..

Oh yeah, an update on a heart-to-heart talk with my mentor, and he actually advised me on something very personal... ---> jackpot hit!
All along we thought that he can't be bothered about that event (not disclosing here); but LOL he surprised me and we think that it could be due to his wife's recent roles... heehee

I'm just leaving a short note here for the sake of me reading in years to come (when I retire, most likely) and laugh or trying to recall what had happened earlier:P

Happy Labour's Day to all!!
I have to go to school though.....

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