Thursday, January 15, 2009


Have you ever been in a state of confusion? No no...not the normal confused thingy. This is the T-O-T-A-L confusion one! It's like trying to understand how aliens try to talk to us.

Today I had the courtesy of joining a meeting with my supervisor and his research team. And yes, that includes me..the newbie..hehe
Each of them had a great talk on their current project with the great researcher from Korea, and I was there- trying very hard to understand whatever they were talking about, but I was unsuccessful. Sob sob..

What's more, 99% of the terms that they had mentioned were never in my list of vocabulary before. =.=

Words like AK2, cascade, Apaf, G2, shRNA, etoposide, Bcl-2, AFAC 10, AIF, Y2H..yeah yeah..and the list goes on. And while he was presenting his research, I was there, feeling like hanging on a rope (which is like going to break!)and will fall down a 100-storey building deciding on how interesting this project going to be.

Suddenly, it strikes me that I am a different species of bird trying to join a flock of birds. You know, the phrase- birds of a feather flock together? Yeah..imagine that they're the swan and I'm the duck. Yes yes..quack quackkk!

In the question and answer session, only those who knew what was he talking about asked questions. And so and so.. And ducks like me tend to feel isolated. In the lake of my own. It's okay, I have my own lake at the moment before joining theirs. *winks*

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