Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Raffles marina sunset

Confession: I'm supposed to be in the lab but conditions don't allow me to be there so I'm loittering here..

Though I can't fail to admit that since the Pink event (I named it in conjunction to an unforgettable event in years to come that took place on Nov 18), the jokes are still ongoing..really reminded me of those good ol' days teasing events..

Last Friday, our bosses treated us for year-end dinner at this-very-near-to-Johor classy restaurant..
It's Chinese-cooked style dishes as usual :)

Before we proceeded to fill our stomachs, we did some-sight seeing and claim ownerships to various sailing boats there..

Technically speaking, each of us wanted to sell off the smaller ones and are currently owning the bigger ones :P
The beautiful sunset

The jetty

The sun and the sea!

This was what some people did to others while sight-seeing..

So long~

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