Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Stamps and childhood

I still remember we siblings used to fight over the loss of our stamps; tears and threatens and breakouts; and even resort to stealing the other party's stamps; or counting the number of stamps when we put these on our table just to enjoy it (show off).

Funniest part was when those aunties and uncles saw us collecting these and kind-heatedly gave us one bag of envelopes that they have collected in their office; and in an attempt to divide fairly among ourselves (which is rarely possible as we were selective on the stamps that we want); eventually --> fights ensued.

How innocent were lives back then hor?
I showed this picture in our family chat room; and all the memories flooded back..

I have plenty of time this month to do this.. December is resting time lol..

And will be re-organizing my stamps here during my free time.. Lol

So long~

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