Thursday, July 4, 2013

Comma point of life

Have you ever been in a state where you just stay at a full-stop point?
And don't know what else to do?

Well, I'm having this feeling- something that everyone would feel once they've graduated or near to graduation (or so I think).

It's something like, urm... we keep running until we've passed the marathon line; and then, we cheer, smiled, cried, and then- an emotionless feeling returns.

What's next?

Well, that's what I'm feeling exactly..

And so, when we're at this point, we need to open another new chapter in the book, and start writing something down..

To have plans, and then to pursue it..

I'm thinking still.. and I'll come up with something soon, I hope :)

And so, I would like to say, I'm in a comma mode now..

So long~

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