Wednesday, July 3, 2013

When you've decided not to live for others more than for yourself..

The recent language-speaking phenomenon in our place had further strike more weird feeling-ness
and I've decided not to be supportive..because I'm so irritated with it
Try to stand in my shoes too...
Anyway, I think that's not practical enough anyway...

On the other hand, I've also complained to people who would probably be taking me for granted due to 'free resources'...

Helping is fine..but helping and feeling dumb at the same time or feeling unfairly treated- hmmm..that's not my way at all

When the line is stepped/ crossed over, that's way too :S

I know there's no fairness and justice always......
But I strive to maintain mine..

Because when we asked for people's help, we're also trying to prevent the supports to go futile
and not to waste that person's energy, time, etc, or even the feelings...

Well, there are cases when the person who asks for help doesn't even bother on all these because they just can't be bothered, except for themselves..
This is when I classify these people as selfish...

And I start to think of mine too, and that's when I've decided to live for myself more than for others too...

so long~

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